Boosted retail: skyrocket your conversions with artificial intelligence!

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Jan 11, 2022
5 min read

AI-powered e-commerce: increase your conversion rate and recover abandoned carts

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, every click counts. The conversion rate is the metric that defines success, revealing the percentage of visitors to your site that make a purchase, and the higher it is, the better for your business.

But many times, several factors prevent customers from completing the purchase. That's where artificial intelligence (AI) comes into play as an ally for digitization in retail, increasing the conversion rate and recovering lost sales.

In this post, we will explore practical tips for recovering abandoned carts and maximizing conversions in your e-commerce. Discover how CRMbonus, through its CRM Back solution, can be the ideal partner to boost your sales.

Say goodbye to abandoned carts!

Imagine a customer browsing your site, delighted with the products. He places them in the cart but something prevents him from completing the purchase. But the good news is that, with the right tools, you can recover an abandoned cart and turn the customer into a satisfied buyer.

Below, we explore the key factors that contribute to this abandonment:

  • Tricky checkout process: one of the biggest culprits for cart abandonment is a complicated checkout process. This includes lengthy and confusing steps, extensive registration requirements, and lack of payment options;
  • Unintuitive cart navigation: if the navigation in the shopping cart is not intuitive, customers may find it difficult to locate the selected products, edit the order, or apply discount coupons;
  • Lack of information about the products: the lack of detailed product information is another common reason for cart abandonment. This includes incomplete descriptions, the absence of high-quality photos, and the lack of reviews from other customers;
  • Questions about shipping or delivery time: unclear information about shipping or delivery time, in addition to unexpected additional fees, may discourage customers from completing the purchase;
  • Non-mobile responsive site: with the increased use of smartphones and tablets, a site that is not responsive or has a broken layout can drive customers away.

Unbeatable tips for increasing the conversion rate with AI

To recover an abandoned cart and increase your sales, a few practical tips can make all the difference. Artificial intelligence (AI) has proven to be an ally in digitalization in retail. Below, we detail how AI can be applied to each of the suggested strategies to transform visitors into loyal customers.

1. Simplify checkout as much as possible

  • Smart autofill: AI can use data from previous purchases and behaviors to automatically fill in customer information, reducing the time and effort required to complete the purchase;
  • Real-time problem detection: AI algorithms can monitor the checkout process and identify friction points, suggesting instant improvements to make it more fluid;
  • Optimization of payment options: AI can analyze customer payment preferences and adjust the payment options offered, prioritizing the most used in each consumer profile.

2. Create a fluid navigation in the cart

  • Product recommendations: using AI algorithms, it is possible to offer recommendations for complementary or substitute products, based on the customer's purchase and browsing history, increasing the average order value;
  • Dynamic cart view: the AI can automatically update the cart as the customer adds or removes items, providing an accurate and real-time view of the total purchase, discounts applied, and stock availability;
  • Personalized experience: the AI can adjust the cart interface for each user, highlighting special offers or suggesting the application of discount coupons according to the customer's behavior and history.

3. Provide real-time support

  • Chatbots and virtual assistants: AI-equipped chatbots can provide immediate and efficient support, answering frequently asked questions, assisting with site navigation and guiding the customer throughout the purchase process;
  • Sentiment analysis: AI tools can analyze the tone and sentiment of customer interactions, adjusting chatbots' responses to provide more empathetic and personalized support;
  • Proactive problem solving: AI can predict common problems that lead to cart abandonment and offer instant solutions, such as alternative payment suggestions or clarifications about shipping policies.

4. Have a flawless responsive site

  • Optimization of layouts: AI can analyze user behavior on different devices and automatically adapt the site layout to provide the best browsing experience, whether on smartphones, tablets or desktops;
  • Performance Analysis: AI tools can monitor site loading speed and identify areas that need optimization, ensuring fast response times and a smooth user experience;
  • Content personalization: AI can customize the content displayed based on the user's device and preferences, adjusting images, texts, and offers to maximize relevance and engagement.

CRMBack: Artificial Intelligence that transforms visitors into customers and increases conversion by 3x

CRMBack is an innovative system that uses artificial intelligence to unravel the secrets of its customers' behavior in e-commerce. Through the deep analysis of browsing data, it provides insights that allow brands to build personalized and irresistible experiences.

Paula Torres, a renowned luxury footwear brand, found in CRMBack much more than a tool: a strategic partnership to optimize her marketing actions and enhance the customer experience in e-commerce. With a customized solution, the brand increased the recovery of abandoned carts by 42%, generating an 8% growth in e-commerce revenues.

  • Deep data analysis: CRMBack immersed itself in the browsing data of Paula Torres's clients, identifying behavior patterns and individual preferences;
  • Personalization at each stage: based on the insights obtained, the brand was able to create personalized marketing campaigns, from targeted emails to exclusive offers, boosting engagement and conversion;
  • Flawless customer experience: personalization provided a more fluid and satisfying buying journey for customers, strengthening brand loyalty.

To understand how the use of artificial intelligence can not only increase your conversion rates and recover abandoned carts, but also face the challenge of keeping your customers coming back again and again, read our full article on best practices for retaining customers in e-commerce.

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Increase your conversion rate and recover abandoned carts with CRMBack!