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Leading brands grow with CRMbonus

Chatbot on WhatsApp

Activate CRMChat and increase the productivity of your sellers with ChatBots for 24x7 screening and service. Configure and integrate them all under the same number.

No risk of blockages

Our platform is an official Meta partner. We know the best strategies for turning conversations into sales - without the risk of blocking your chip.

Fast deployment with low cost

In a few days we will get to know your business, configure our solutions and unlock the potential of your business.

Unify conversations and attendants on one platform - with intelligence

Our solutions help from attraction to loyalty. And the best: everything in one place

Giftback with CRM

Integrated CRM with Cashback

Loyalty program created for your business with customizable rules and all our experience to help you extract more value for your business.

Retail Email

Omnichannel email & SMS

Increase the potential of loyalty with an email marketing strategy using 360 data with a view of the results online and in physical stores.

WhatsApp for Physical Store

Seller Schedule: WhatsApp

Empower your seller in a complete app with relationship suggestions for WhatsApp, customer consumption history, dashboard with results.

High Performance and Achieved Goals

Time List and Goals in the seller's hand

Learn about the conversion and reasons for lost sales in physical retail. 
Tangibilize the goals by store and seller in a single app.

Relationship Rules

Automated Triggers

Create intelligent bonus rules based on the buying behavior of your customers for effective after-sales.

Evolve your WhatsApp

Multiple attendants on one number

Use WhatsApp for conversations with multiple customers and connect your attendants to an official business account.

Unburden your service

Automation with chatbot

Automate your support, improve team efficiency, reduce expenses, establish interactive experiences, and provide professional service.

Mass shooting

Automated WhatsApp

Make mass communications to your customer base via WhatsApp, with video, images, and personalized texts in a quick and controlled manner.

+2,000 brands growing

Our goal is to make your business grow. And today thousands of brands trust our solutions. From small to large business, we have technology and experience to help you sell more.

+35,000 stores with fast support

We were born in retail and we know the importance of close service. Therefore, count on fast and efficient support to guide your business to unlock its potential in chat-commerce.

+100 million people

Our platform has already identified +100 million people committed to engaging them to buy in your business in a simple, replicable way and with low investment.

Evolve accesses to your site for humanized conversations

Knowing your users is the fundamental pillar of a conversion strategy. Transform accesses into conversations with quality and compliance with the LGPD.

Build loyalty with conversations throughout the buying journey

Activate journeys for each purchase stage. During the discovery, answering questions, reminder for checkout, and post-sale support. All in one place.

Conversation management with history and indicators

Have control and access to all conversations from your official number and learn about service time, service metrics and more indicators for managing your business.

storylines CRM Bonus

Our results move retail

Logo giru

“(...) We are very satisfied with CRMChat, we were able to carry out our services and sales in an idealized manner. The platform is very complete. (...)”

Gislaine Brito - Girubank

Logo Multipedidos

“(...) We currently have an operation of 15 people using CRMChat, which brought us more agility to carry out the calls and resolve the calls (...)”

Daniel Tales - Multi-order

“(...) We needed an easy, complete and secure tool for our online service. CRMChat has supplied us and is being fundamental (...)”

Rene Arthur- Bis Stores