Increase your sell strategically and efficiently!

Transform data into effective sales actions with a complete platform with the main indicators of omnichannel retail.

Omnichannel CRM for Retail

Engage your customers with an omnichannel CRM platform

Email Marketing, SMS, WhatsApp and Seller Schedule on a single platform with advanced segmentations and a unified view of the consumer in physical and online retail.

Seller Schedule

Sell more on WhatsApp and empower your sellers

Empower your sellers for active relationships and sales via WhatsApp with personalized and scalable communication.

Create post-sale strategies and stimulate repurchase with recommendations based on data intelligence.

List of the time

The control of your store in your hands

Manage and track your sellers with clear performance goals and indicators.

Motivate, accelerate, and measure your entire team in the store in a hassle-free manner.


The digital showcase of your stock

Social Commerce created for retail, digitizing the inventory of each store so that its sellers sell digitally. Your product strategy, now Omnichannel.

Create 1-1 shopping carts, product promotion campaigns, and more.

Personalized Relationship Journeys

Invest in personalizing your campaigns and gain performance

Instead of sending the same generic message to all your consumers, our solutions allow the personalization of products, channels, interests, buying behaviors, and more.

Omnichannel Indicators

Measure your digital actions in real time

Prioritize strategies with indicators combined with customer management methodologies with a dashboard for managers and supervisors.

Who uses, approves, and recommends

“The App is essential for our sales team and the CRMbonus specialists help us understand the results and create the campaigns with the highest conversion potential.”

Mauro Nomura

“With CRMbonus, we were able to keep this relationship close and relevant, guaranteeing the effectiveness of our products and an excellent conversion and team performance at the end of the day.”

Mariana Laiate

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Leading brands grow with CRMBonus

Grow up or your money back

Activate CRM360 on your brand and if your business has no return within 100 days, we will refund your investment. It's zero risk for you to test in practice.

CRM created for retail

Our technology has already been validated by thousands of stores, so we know the best actions to build loyalty and make your brand sell more.

Fast deployment with low cost

We'll quickly grasp your business needs, configure our solutions, train your managers and sellers, and unlock the potential of your business.

Beyond cashback: a complete platform for your business

Our solutions help from attraction to loyalty. And the best: everything in one place

Giftback with CRM

Integrated CRM with Cashback

Loyalty program created for your business with customizable rules and all our experience to help you extract more value for your business.

Retail Email

Omnichannel email & SMS

Increase the potential of loyalty with an email marketing strategy using 360 data with a view of the results online and in physical stores.

WhatsApp for Physical Store

Seller Schedule: WhatsApp

Empower your seller in a complete app with relationship suggestions for WhatsApp, customer consumption history, dashboard with results.

High Performance and Achieved Goals

Time List and Goals in the seller's hand

Learn about the conversion and reasons for lost sales in physical retail. 
Tangibilize the goals by store and seller in a single app.

Relationship Rules

Automated Triggers

Create intelligent bonus rules based on the buying behavior of your customers for effective after-sales.

Giftback with CRM

Integrated CRM with cashback

Loyalty program created for your business with customizable rules and all our experience to help you extract more value for your business.

Retail email

Omnichannel email & SMS

Increase the potential of loyalty with an email marketing strategy using 360 data with a view of the results online and in physical stores.

WhatsApp for Physical Store

Seller Schedule: WhatsApp

Empower your seller in a complete app with relationship suggestions for WhatsApp, customer consumption history, dashboard with results.

High Performance and Achieved Goals

Time List and Goals in the seller's hand

Learn about the conversion and reasons for lost sales in physical retail. 
Tangibilize the goals by store and seller in a single app.

Relationship Rules

Automated Triggers

Create intelligent bonus rules based on the buying behavior of your customers for effective after-sales.

+2,000 brands growing

Our goal is to make your business grow. And today thousands of brands trust our solutions. From small to large retailers, we have technology and experience to help you sell more.

+35,000 stores with fast support

We were born in retail and we know the importance of closer service. For this reason, each seller and store manager has quick support at the thousands of stores active in our ecosystem.

+100 million people

Our platform has already rewarded +100 million people with a commitment to re-engaging them back to your business within 30 days - in a simple, replicable way and with low investment.

Valid registrations with LGPD

Knowing your customer is the fundamental pillar of a loyalty strategy. Have control of your clients' registrations with quality and compliance with the LGPD.

Stimulate recurrence

40% of retail customers buy only once. Activate a validated strategy to build loyalty and improve the recurrence of purchases in a simple and scalable way.

Data-driven CRM

Data-based marketing: learn about the result of marketing actions with modern retail indicators, taking an online and offline view of return on sales.

An integrated ecosystem with +150 solutions

Stories CRMBonus

Our results move retail

Loja CL Joias, cliente CRM&BONUS

” CRMBonus brought us the necessary technology and technical support to transform our results into digital, clients love the campaigns we create and sellers achieve their goals more easily. It's a successful partnership!”

Gabriel Laranjeira - CL Joias

Loja Adidas, cliente CRM&BONUS

“The Seller Schedule is essential for our sales team and CRMBonus specialists help us understand the results and create the campaigns with the highest conversion potential. More than 30 stores have been using the solutions for more than 3 years. I recommend it!”

Mauro Nomura - CEO Nomura/Adidas Group

Loja HOPE, cliente CRM&BONUS

” Through the CRMBonus service, we understand the customer journey and help to offer the best service and products for them. Our main challenge is loyalty and today we have a complete solution to offer to our network of more than 270 stores with a real CRM360”

Sandra Chayo - Hope Group