Policies and Cookies

Last updated on September 13, 2023

1. Initial Considerations

This Cookie Policy applies to any websites, applications or platforms operated by E-CLICK SERVIÇOS DIGITAIS LTDA (“We”) or on our behalf (“Our Platforms”).

Seeking total transparency with the user (“You”), this Cookie Policy aims to clearly explain how we use Cookies, as well as when and why they are used.

By accessing Our Platforms, You agree to all of the terms of this Cookie Policy. If you do not agree to the use of Cookies in this way, the User may:

(i) adjust your browser settings to not allow the use of Cookies; or

(ii) not access Our Platforms.

We clarify that disabling the use of Cookies may impact Your experience when browsing Our Platforms.

For any questions or concerns about Our Cookie Policy
Platforms you can contact us at the following email address: dpo@crmbonus.com

2. What are cookies?

Cookies are digital files with small pieces of data (and generally with a unique identifier), which are stored on Your device through the browser or application and that store information related to your preferences.

The cookies used do not collect information that identifies the user, however, if you are already our customer we can monitor your visits to the site provided that, at least for once, you have started browsing based on some communication sent by us, for example, SMS and e-mail.

At any time, the user can, through their internet browser (browser) decide to be notified about the reception of cookies, as well as block their entry into their system.

Refusing to use cookies on the site may result in the impossibility of accessing some of its areas or of receiving personalized information.

3. What are cookies for?

Cookies serve to improve your experience, both in terms of performance and in terms of usability, since the content provided will be directed to your needs and expectations.

Cookies allow Our Platforms to memorize information about the User's visit, their preferred language, their location, the recurrence of their sessions, and other variables that We consider relevant to make your experience much more efficient.

Cookies may also be used to compile anonymous and aggregated statistics that allow us to understand how You use Our Platforms, as well as to improve their structures and content. Because they are anonymous statistics, we cannot identify you personally through this data.

The use of Cookies is common on any digital platform today. Its use does not harm in any way the devices (computers, smartphones, tablets, etc.) on which they are stored.

4. What types of cookies do we use?

We use two types of Cookies on Our Platforms: Session Cookies and Persistent Cookies.

  • Session Cookies: these are temporary cookies that remain archived until the User leaves the site or closes the browser or application.
  • Persistent Cookies: these are the Cookies that are stored on the User's device until they are deleted (the time that the Cookie will remain on the device depends on the duration of its “lifespan” and the browser settings).

Cookies (Session or Persistent) can be categorized according to their function:

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies: They allow navigation on the website and use of the applications, as well as access to secure areas of the website. Without these Cookies, the required services cannot be provided for the correct functioning of the platforms.
  • Analytical Cookies: They collect anonymous statistical data for the purpose of analyzing the use of the platform and its respective performance.
  • Functionality Cookies: They are used to ensure the provision of additional functionality on the platforms or to save the preferences defined by You when using the platform, each time you use the same device.
  • Advertising Cookies: They target advertising based on Your interests, helping to measure the success of applications and the effectiveness of third-party advertising.
  • Third-party cookies - They serve to measure the success of applications and the effectiveness of third-party advertising on our site.

5. Are you able to control or delete Cookies?

Most Internet browsers are configured to automatically accept Cookies. You can change the settings to block the use of Cookies or to alert you when a Cookie is being sent to your device. There are several ways to manage Cookies. Consult your browser instructions or the help section to learn more about how to adjust or change Your browser settings.

By disabling Cookies, the User may not be able to visit certain areas of our page or may not receive personalized information when visiting a page.

If you use different devices to access our Platforms (for example, computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) you must ensure that each browser on each device is adjusted to meet your preferences regarding Cookies.

So that you can, in a simple and intuitive way, manage your preferences regarding Cookies from your browser, you can use one of the links below:

For more information about “Private Browsing” and cookie management in the Firefox browser, https://support.mozilla.org/pt-BR/kb/gerencieconfiguracoes-de-armazenamento-local-de-s

For more information about “Incognito Browsing” and cookie management in the Chrome browser, https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&oco=1&hl=pt-BR

For more information about “Private Browsing” and cookie management from the Internet Explorer browser, https://support.microsoft.com/pt-br/windows/excluir-egerenciar-cookies-168dab11-0753-043d-7c16-ede5947fc64d

For more information about “Private Browsing” and managing Cookies from Safari, https://support.apple.com/ptbr/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac;

For more information about “Private Browsing” and cookie management in the Opera browser, https://help.opera.com/en/latest/webpreferences/#cookies

For more information about “Private Browsing” and cookie management in the Microsoft Edge browser, https://support.microsoft.com/ptbr/microsoft-edge/excluir-cookies-no-microsoft-edge-63947406-40acc3b8-57b9-2a946a29ae09

6. Legal Notice Update

We reserve the right to make changes and corrections to this notice. Please check this page periodically to review this and additional new information.